The Del Mar Historical Society is an independent 501(c)(3), California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation founded in 1985, striving to fulfill its long-time mission to discover, record, collect, preserve, perpetuate, and display for public benefit the historical facts, artifacts, properties, and other material concerning the history of the village of Del Mar.
Our resources include:
- Del Mar Looking Back, the only complete written history of Del Mar
- Discovering Del Mar’s Past, a walking tour book with pictures and maps
- More than 2000 historical photographs
- Oral histories of prominent Del Mar residents
- Miscellaneous files of significant documents from Del Mar’s past
We meet monthly on the second Wednesday at 5:00 pm in the conference room at 225 9th Street, Del Mar. These meetings are open to the public. Also, we hold periodic history programs for the public in different venues.
Our membership includes anyone interested in Del Mar history, and we have no membership dues. To carry out our mission we rely on the generosity of people like you with an interest in Del Mar’s past. We have a PBS-like gift program to thank you for your tax-deductible donations.