The mission of the Del Mar Foundation is to promote civic pride and cohesiveness, acquire and preserve open space, improve beaches and parklands, raise and grant funds, and sponsor diverse cultural programs and community events in Del Mar.

The mission of DMCC is to enhance community life in Del Mar by making social, recreational, educational, health, cultural, advocacy and support programs available for seniors, people with special needs and intergenerational groups.

The mission statement of the DMVA Executive Committee is to oversee the DMVA Main Street organization and foster local leadership and consensus-based cooperation of residents, businesses, commercial property owners, and city government.

The Friends of the Powerhouse will raise funds to assist the City of Del Mar with ongoing preservation and enhancement of the Powerhouse Community Center and adjoining public recreational areas. Our objectives are to preserve historical and architecturally significant properties, promote social welfare, educate the public and protect community landmarks in the beach area.

The mission of the FDMP is to acquire, preserve, enhance, and support recreational, educational, and open space in the Del Mar area for the benefit of the greater Del Mar community.

The Del Mar Television Foundation strives to cover issues of all kinds from environmental, government, sports and local events to fun and entertainment-oriented programming.

The San Dieguito Heritage Museum was founded in 1988 to preserve artifacts, records and stories pertaining to the history of the communities of the San Dieguito River area. The founders had deep roots in the local communities and cherished the uniqueness of the history in the area. They sought to preserve and share this history through a combination of hands-on history experiences as well as traditional exhibits.

The mission of the Friends is to promote and support conservation, restoration, preservation, and enhancement of the natural scenic, ecological and open-space resources of the San Dieguito River Valley through advocacy, study, monitoring, and education.

The purpose of the Sandpiper is to advocate the Del Mar Community Plan, to foster informed public and government decision-making regarding issues affecting the community of Del Mar, and to encourage a social and political climate favorable to the protection of the community character of the City of Del Mar and its environs.

Founded in 1968, the North San Diego County Genealogical Society encourages study and research in genealogy and local history. To this end, the Society sponsors programs designed to provide information and continuing education on genealogy research topics.

The San Dieguito Lagoon website provides educational resources to promote the protection, preservation, and restoration of the natural environment and wildlife of the Lagoon, and the River Valley on which it depends.